Government contracts


Did you know..

Our point of difference is that we work with clients one on one, tailoring coaching to each individual which produces higher success rates.

Coaching for Government Departments and Schools.

We are proud to have achieved Social Services Level 3 Accreditation (Employment and Training Services) which enables Complete Coaching Hawke's Bay to provide coaching for Government Departments and to work with a wide range of people with their goals, in particular their career goals.


Our current contracts include:


We also provide career coaching and pathway planning in schools.

Complete Coaching Hawke's Bay is currently supporting students in Central Hawke's Bay College and has worked at Dannevirke High School. Coaching in schools provides students with support in the following:

Goal setting with hobbies, sports and academic work

Building resilience, confidence and great communication skills

Pathway planning and connections to other external services

Encouragement of good mental health practices

Career coaching and support to work out what they want to do when they leave school (16 years and over)

CVs and Cover Letters

How does it work…

  • We always recommend a client starts with an introductory session where we help them determine where they want to be in;

    a) 12 months time

    b) 5 years time

  • We then look at establishing achievable short-term goals, breaking down any barriers and putting time-frames in place. Client's set goals in different areas- career goals, family work/life balance goals, picking up new hobbies, goals around feeling more content with life in general.

  • An introductory session is 90 minutes and a copy of the notes/goals are emailed to the client with actions on it to support them stay on track. As we move forward, goals are achieved and we hold clients accountable for their own success.

“Central Hawke’s Bay is a pretty special place, everyone works together here. I’m very thankful to Jobs in Central Hawke’s Bay (MTFJ) and Anna for their ongoing support.”